The Week In Review: IoT

Conferences The number of IoT and IoT-related conferences continues to grow, but IoT also is beginning to make inroads into established conferences. The Mobile World Congress, held this week in Barcelona, Spain, teemed with Internet of Things announcements from many companies. SEMICON Southeast Asia, scheduled for April 25-27 at SPICE in Penang, Malaysia, will feature the World of IoT: Futur... » read more

The Week In Review: IoT

M&A TDK has agreed to acquire InvenSense for $13 a share, representing a total of $1.3 billion in cash. The transaction must be approved by InvenSense shareholders and regulatory agencies; TDK expects to wrap up the deal in the second quarter of its fiscal year ending in March of 2018 (the third quarter of the calendar year). Apple accounted for 40% of InvenSense’s revenue for the fiscal... » read more