Nymi: Wearable Authentication

If you had one device that could log into all your electronics automatically, allowing you to make electronic payments more securely based on your heart beat rhythms, would you use it? That's the question a startup named Nymi is asking—and a lot of other companies are watching. The company began its life in 2011 using a biometric electrocardiogram developed at the University of Toronto. ... » read more

Apple Legitimizes The IoT

There have been plenty of reviews this week about the new iPhone 6 and the Apple Watch, both of which are either extremely cool or ho-hum, depending upon the disposition of the reviewer. But what’s really significant about all of this has nothing to do with the device. It’s a follow-the-money innovation. What made the iPod, and singlehandedly resurrected Apple’s reputation, wasn’t th... » read more

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