Non-Traditional Chips Gaining Steam

Flexible hybrid electronics are beginning to roll out in the form of medical devices, wearable electronics and even near-field communications tags in retail, setting the stage for a whole new wave of circuit design, manufacturing and packaging that reaches well beyond traditional chips. FHE devices begin with substrates made of ceramics, glass, plastic, polyimide, polymers, polysilicon, stai... » read more

Flexible Devices Drive New IoT Apps

Printed and flexible electronics are becoming almost synonymous with many emerging applications in the IoT, and as the technologies progress so do the markets that rely on those technologies. Flexible [getkc id="187" kc_name="sensors"] factor into a number of [getkc id="76" kc_name="IoT"] use cases such as agriculture, health care, and structural health monitoring. Other types of flexible de... » read more