The Week In Review: IoT

Analysis The Internet of Trains? That’s how Siemens sees its work in railroads, utilizing Big Data analytics and Internet of Things technology. “Sensors on an Internet of Trains system monitor everything from engine temperature, to the open or closed state of doors, to vibrations on the rails, and even image data from outside of the trains using cameras,” Bernard Marr writes in this anal... » read more

The Week In Review: IoT

Conferences It’s been an action-packed week at Internet of Things World. The show was co-located at the Santa Clara Convention Center with the Connected & Autonomous Vehicles conference. There were lots of deals announced and many products or services debuted at IoT World, which has grown enormously in four years, from 700 attendees at its first event in Palo Alto, Calif., in 2014 to some 14... » read more