Free Space Optical Quantum Key Distribution (FSO-QKD) System Within a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Application

A new technical paper titled "A Practical Implementation of Quantum-Derived Keys for Secure Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications" was published by University of Warwick. Abstract "We provide a practical implementation of a free space optical quantum key distribution (FSO-QKD) system within a vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) application developed under the Innovate UK AirQKD project. The ... » read more

Post-Quantum And Pre-Quantum Security Issues Grow

General-purpose quantum computers will be able to crack the codes that protect much of the world’s information, and while these machines don’t exist yet, security experts say governments and businesses are starting to prepare for encryption in a post-quantum world. The task is made all the more challenging because no one knows exactly how future quantum machines will work, or even which mat... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Nov. 19

Quantum communications chip Researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Australian National University, A∗STAR, University of Science and Technology of China, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Sun Yat-sen University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and National University of Singapore built an integrated silicon photonic chip capable of performing quantu... » read more

System Bits: Dec. 11

Calculating the costs of autonomous vehicles The development of autonomous vehicle technology commands a lot of media coverage. Little reporting has been devoted to the costs of operating AVs, a subject that developers don’t discuss in general. The Houston-Galveston Area Council’s website recently divulged contract figures with two startups, and EasyMile. For Silicon Valley-bas... » read more

The Quantum IoE

The principle of quantum communication (QC) is that it can transfer a quantum state between locations. The significance of that cannot be overstated. This is what we can look to for the delivery of the super-secure communications networks of the future. This kind of secure communications is made to order for the IoE (and, of course, many other platforms). No matter how simple or complex the ... » read more