All Aboard The Silicon Carbide Train…Literally

There were numerous announcements regarding power semiconductors at Techno-Frontier 2014, which was held last month in Tokyo. This year, one of the big stories was power semiconductors—for power and batteries, motors, and thermal designs—and the debate around cost is becoming much more frequent for silicon carbide. One feature article last month on the Kyoto economy in Nihon Keizai Shimb... » read more

Moving To Wide Bandgap Chips

The search for new materials to replace CMOS has been in full swing for decades, but in spite of successes in limited niche markets, bulk CMOS remains king. That’s beginning to change, however, as CMOS runs out of steam at advanced process nodes and as the priorities of chipmakers change from pure performance to energy efficiency. And for such applications as automotive electronics for hyb... » read more

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