Solving ‘Simulator Sickness’ With Smart Software, SoC Design

The growth in virtual and augmented reality headsets is expected to explode in the coming years. The U.K.-based research firm KZero estimates headset unit volume will jump from nearly 4 million this year to 38.4 million in 2018. But that growth rate might be stunted if users continue to struggle with “simulator sickness,” that queasy feeling that something is just not right as they navi... » read more

System Bits: March 31

Virtual nose reduces video game simulator sickness While virtual reality games often cause simulator sickness – inducing vertigo and sometimes nausea — new research by Purdue University points to a potential strategy to ease the affliction: adding a virtual nose. They explained that a number of physiological systems control the onset of simulator sickness including a person's overall se... » read more