Sensors In Fire Detection

The last 10 years or so have produced some colossal and deadly fire events that have destroyed whole towns, burned a record amount of acreage, and polluted skies for weeks. And wildfires are not just happening in the Western United States but have burnt out of control in Europe, the Amazon, and Australia. Early wildfire detection and forest management via controlled burns are two ways to pre... » read more

Blog Review: Jan. 16

Mentor's Harry Foster takes a look at how quickly FPGAs are adopting recent verification techniques, with formal gaining at a rapid pace. Cadence's Paul McLellan checks out the details of two new RISC-V based cores: Western Digital's open source SweRV and Esperanto's Maxion. Synopsys' Taylor Armerding digs into a recent cybersecurity report from the U.S. government and finds a troubling n... » read more