Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Innovation Using UltraFast Algorithms

Medical ultrasound is the most attractive among all diagnostic imaging systems due to its least-invasive nature and lack of any radiation. As medical ultrasound continues to grow in wider range of applications for its non-invasive nature and for its ability to see soft-tissue images, there is growing demand in supporting advanced imaging techniques in ultrasound beamformers, in multi-dimensiona... » read more

Synthetic Aperture And Plane Wave Ultrasound Imaging With Versal ACAP

Medical ultrasound is the most widely accepted and available form of diagnostic imaging today because of many significant advantages. It uses low-energy acoustic waves, and there are no known harmful side-effects on patients unlike potential ionizing radiation from X-rays or CT scans. Ultrasound can capture dynamic soft issue images, which X-rays cannot. Ultrasound systems are compact and trans... » read more