Disruptive R&D

Leading university researchers presented their most promising technologies — describing developments ranging from sustainable metal cluster technology (that’s already spawned three notable startups) to resonance-based detection for more accurate MEMS devices — at the new Breakthrough Research Technologies session and the Silicon Innovation Forum at SEMICON West 2014. OSU metal cluster... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: July 8

In an advance that could one day enable the miniaturization of laser systems, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and the Technical University of Munich have developed a new nonlinear metasurface, or meta mirror. The researchers call their invention a “nonlinear mirror,” which they believe could help advance nonlinear laser systems that are used for chemical sensing, explosi... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: April 1

Heat-conducting polymer Polymer materials are usually thermal insulators but according to a team researchers including the Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Texas at Austin, and the Raytheon Company, by harnessing an electropolymerization process to produce aligned arrays of polymer nanofibers, they’ve developed a thermal interface material able to conduct heat 20 times better t... » read more

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