Simplifying HW/SW Co-Verification With PSS Led UVM And C Tests

By Todd Burkholder, Wael Abdelaziz Mahmoud, Tom Fitzpatrick, Vishal Baskar, and Mohamed Nafea The complexity of system on chips (SoCs) continues to grow rapidly with the integration of more functionality onto a single chip. As a result, traditional verification methodologies struggle to keep pace with the growing complexities, leading to longer development cycles and increased risk of design... » read more

Verification Of Low-Power Designs With Portable Stimulus

In a recent blog post, Steve Carlson talked about the use of software-driven tests to support concurrent power and performance analysis. Generation of software-driven tests is one of the key technologies that will be enabled by the upcoming standard from Accellera's Portable Stimulus Working Group (PSWG). Portable stimulus spans functional verification as well as performance validation, so PSWG... » read more