The Week In Review: IoT

Deals Deere & Co. has agreed to acquire Blue River Technology of Sunnyvale, Calif., for $305 million. The transaction is expected to close this month. Blue River develops computer vision and machine learning technology for use in precision agriculture. Monsanto Growth Ventures, Data Collective Venture Capital, Innovation Endeavors, Khosla Ventures, and Pontifax AgTech were among the investors... » read more

The LiDAR Gold Rush

Big money is pouring into the LiDAR market, as carmakers gear up for autonomous and assisted driving. LiDAR, along with advanced computer vision and radar sensors, is an essential component for vehicles to maneuver without hitting obstacles or other cars. LiDAR is an acronym for light imaging, detection, and ranging, and until now it has been almost synonymous with next-generation automotive... » read more