Trouble Ahead For IC Verification

Verification complexity is roughly the square of design complexity, but until recently verification success rates have remained fairly consistent. That's beginning to change. There are troubling signs that verification is collapsing under the load. The first-time success rate fell (see figure 1) in the last survey conducted by Wilson Research, on behalf of Siemens EDA, in 2022. A new survey ... » read more

Power Issues Causing More Respins At 7nm And Below

Power consumption has been a major design consideration for some time, but it is far from being a solved issue. In fact, an increasing number of designs have a plethora of power-related problems, and those problems are getting worse in new chip designs. Many designs today are power-limited — or perhaps more accurately stated, thermal-limited. A chip only can consume as much power as it is ... » read more

Verification Scorecard: How Well Is The Industry Doing?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss how well verification tools and methodologies have been keeping up with demand, with Larry Lapides, vice president of sales for Imperas Software; Mike Thompson, director of engineering for the verification task group at OpenHW; Paul Graykowski, technical marketing manager for Arteris IP; Shantanu Ganguly, vice president of product marketing at Caden... » read more

Continuing Challenges For Open-Source Verification

Experts at the Table: This is the last part of the series of articles derived from the DVCon panel that discussed Verification in the Era of Open Source. It takes the discussion beyond what happened in the panel and utilizes some of the questions that were posed, but never presented to the panelists due to lack of time. Contributing to the discussion are Ashish Darbari, CEO of Axiomise; Serge L... » read more