Why It’s So Hard To Secure AI Chips

Demand for high-performance chips designed specifically for AI applications is spiking, driven by massive interest in generative AI at the edge and in the data center, but the rapid growth in this sector also is raising concerns about the security of these devices and the data they process. Generative AI — whether it's OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Anthropic’s Claude, or xAI’s Grok — sifts thr... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

JEDEC and the Open Compute Project rolled out a new set of guidelines for standardizing chiplet characterization details, such as thermal properties, physical and mechanical requirements, and behavior specs. Those details have been a sticking point for commercial chiplets, because without them it's not possible to choose the best chiplet for a particular application or workload. The guidelines ... » read more

Dealing With AI/ML Uncertainty

Despite their widespread popularity, large language models (LLMs) have several well-known design issues, the most notorious being hallucinations, in which an LLM tries to pass off its statistics-based concoctions as real-world facts. Hallucinations are examples of a fundamental, underlying issue with LLMs. The inner workings of LLMs, as well as other deep neural nets (DNNs), are only partly kno... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

By Jesse Allen, Karen Heyman, and Liz Allan AMD took the covers off new AI accelerators for training and inferencing of large language model and high-performance computing workloads. In its announcement, AMD focused heavily on performance leadership in the commercial AI processor space through a combination of architectural changes, better software efficiency, along with some improvements in... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Google was hit with a class action suit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, alleging data scraping from millions of users without consent and violation of copyright laws to train and develop its AI products. Last month, the same law firm filed a suit against OpenAI for ChatGPT. Despite calling for a pause on development of advanced AI in March, Elon Musk launched xAI, a new company focu... » read more