
Testing/Probing Single Electrons Across 300mm Spin Qubit Wafers (Intel)


A technical paper titled “Probing single electrons across 300-mm spin qubit wafers” was published by researchers at Intel Corporation.


“Building a fault-tolerant quantum computer will require vast numbers of physical qubits. For qubit technologies based on solid-state electronic devices, integrating millions of qubits in a single processor will require device fabrication to reach a scale comparable to that of the modern complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) industry. Equally important, the scale of cryogenic device testing must keep pace to enable efficient device screening and to improve statistical metrics such as qubit yield and voltage variation. Spin qubits based on electrons in Si have shown impressive control fidelities but have historically been challenged by yield and process variation. Here we present a testing process using a cryogenic 300-mm wafer prober to collect high-volume data on the performance of hundreds of industry-manufactured spin qubit devices at 1.6 K. This testing method provides fast feedback to enable optimization of the CMOS-compatible fabrication process, leading to high yield and low process variation. Using this system, we automate measurements of the operating point of spin qubits and investigate the transitions of single electrons across full wafers. We analyse the random variation in single-electron operating voltages and find that the optimized fabrication process leads to low levels of disorder at the 300-mm scale. Together, these results demonstrate the advances that can be achieved through the application of CMOS-industry techniques to the fabrication and measurement of spin qubit devices.”

Find the technical paper here. Published May 2024.

Neyens, S., Zietz, O.K., Watson, T.F. et al. Probing single electrons across 300-mm spin qubit wafers. Nature 629, 80–85 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07275-6

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