The Week In Review: Design/IoT

Imagination CEO steps down; Mentor Embedded Linux update; 14nm tool certification; ARM’s financial report.


Imagination’s Sir Hossein Yassaie stepped down as Chief Executive, and Andrew Heath, one of the non-executive directors, has been appointed Interim Chief Executive. As part of a major restructuring, the company will also sell Pure, its consumer electronics business.

Mentor Graphics’ Embedded Linux platform has been updated to Yocto 2.0 and expanded to include new security enhancements and additional industrial protocols. The new release includes Wurldtech Achilles Communications Certification Level 1 and Level 2, the industry benchmark for securing industrial connected devices.

Synopsys’ IC Validator physical verification product has been certified by Samsung Foundry for all designs using its 14nm manufacturing processes.

ARM released financial results, with $407.9 million in revenue for the fourth quarter, up 14% from Q4 2014. Normalized profit before tax was $201 million, compared with $172 million in the same period in 2014, a gain of 16.9%. For the whole of 2015, revenue was $1.489 billion, up 15% from last year. The report noted that at the end of Q4 2015, group order backlog was up about 10% sequentially.

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