Understanding the behaviors of materials and components under actual operating conditions.
All engineers know resistance is usually bad news. It generates heat. It reduces efficiency. It wears out components and cuts operational lifetimes.
However, resistance is not the only kind of opposition to the current. When more complex waveforms are involved (like in radio applications), the inductors and capacitors contribute a different kind of opposition that is highly dynamic and complicated.
Impedance analyzers are the instruments of choice to understand this overall opposition to current flow. In this article, find out what impedance analyzers do, where they are used, how they work, and how to use them.
An impedance analyzer is an electronic test instrument that measures the characteristic complex impedance curves of a component, circuit, or material when subject to a range of alternating current (AC) signals.
Impedance, measured in Ohms (Ω), consists of two types of oppositions to the flow of alternating current: resistance and reactance.
Reactance is the opposition due to the inductances and capacitances of a material, component, or circuit. While resistance is not frequency-dependent, inductance, capacitance, and therefore reactance all vary with the frequency.
Because of this, the impedance is effectively a dynamic characteristic because its reactance varies with the signal frequency.
Fig. 1: Impedance is a complex quantity of resistance and reactance.
The term “complex impedance” is used because it’s mathematically convenient to represent it by a vector in a two-dimensional complex plane with a real axis (the resistance) and an imaginary axis (the reactance). The magnitude of this vector is the total impedance, while the direction tells us about the phase difference between voltage and current.
Impedance analysis is useful in multiple industries where the characterization of components, materials, and circuits under AC waveforms is essential. Various uses of impedance analyzers are outlined below.
Electronics: Analog circuits, like voltage-controlled oscillators, amplifiers, filters, and power supplies, and their components, like resonators and inductors, involve phenomena where impedance parameters like the resonant frequency and quality factor are sensitive to signal levels and frequencies.
Understanding their dynamic behaviors using analyzers with wide impedance ranges is crucial for optimum operational design and efficiency.
Telecommunications: Analyzers help achieve optimum impedance matching in antennas and transmission lines for signal transmission with maximum power transfer and minimal noise.
Additionally, cellular network components are optimized based on impedance measurements.
Power systems: Impedance analyzers are used to characterize devices like transformers and generators to minimize power losses. They are also used in renewable energy devices like solar inverters to optimize conversion efficiency and power quality.
Aerospace: Impedance analyzers are used to test and optimize communication links and navigation systems in aircraft and spacecraft.
Automotive: Impedance behaviors of batteries, battery management systems, and electronic control units are characterized for improving reliability, safety, and efficiency.
Material science: Impedance analyzers are widely used to study the electrical properties of conductive and semiconductive materials.
Like impedance analyzers, inductance–capacitance-resistance meters (LCR meters) can also measure complex impedance. But their capabilities and usage are different, as listed below:
There are multiple techniques to measure unknown impedances, each with various pros and cons. The measurement hardware in impedance analyzers is designed to implement one of these techniques. The methods are outlined below.
Fig. 2: Bridge circuit method (D is the instrument and Zx is the unknown impedance).
This traditional technique uses a simple bridge circuit to compare the unknown impedance with a known reference.
It’s simple and effective for low-frequency measurements. However, it does not support high frequencies and very low impedance values.
Fig. 3: Circuit for current-voltage measurement method.
A known voltage is applied to the circuit or component. The resulting current is then measured to calculate impedance.
This method is simple and versatile. However, the phase relationship between voltage and current must be correctly accounted for.
Fig. 4: Circuits for RF IV method.
This technique extends the IV method to work accurately at the higher frequencies prevalent in RF circuits. It involves more sophisticated designs to accurately measure phase differences at these high frequencies.
Fig. 5: Auto-balancing bridge method.
This method uses a feedback mechanism to automatically and dynamically balance the bridge circuit while the frequency is changing. It supports a very wide range of frequencies and impedances with high accuracy. However, its hardware design is more complex.
Fig. 6: Impedance analyzer test setup.
The typical configuration for impedance analysis of individual electronic components includes:
For circuit designs, printed circuit boards (PCBs), and PCB assemblies (PCBAs) that operate exactly to specifications, the impedance characteristics of their circuit blocks and materials must be understood accurately.
These characteristics depend on the signal frequency, signal voltage, temperature, humidity, and similar operational factors. So, impedance analyzers are used as described below:
Device manufacturers must know the behaviors of the materials used in their wafers, semiconductors, and PCBs under actual operating conditions.
Impedance analyzers support relevant measurements like:
Fig. 7: Impedance and frequency measurement ranges of different designs for ±10% accuracy.
The measurement method used by a particular analyzer decides its supported frequency and impedance ranges as shown above and described below:
When selecting a suitable impedance analyzer, consider the following aspects.
It’s critical to remember that impedance is highly dynamic. Environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) can drastically affect measurements, as described below:
Keysight’s suite of high-accuracy impedance analyzers consists of three instruments with the following key features:
All these instruments support data export interfaces like the general purpose interface bus (GPIB), local area network (LAN), and universal serial bus (USB). Keysight’s impedance analyzers provide highly accurate impedance characterization for multiple industries and applications, from semiconductors to the largest power systems.
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