Systems & Design

Achieving C-V2X Compliance

Why testing the performance of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) components and subsystems to achieve compliance against evolving 5G test requirements is an ongoing challenge for the connected vehicle market.


Testing the performance of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) components and subsystems to achieve compliance against evolving 5G test requirements is an ongoing challenge for the connected vehicle market.

The global acceptance for the C-V2X technology takes autonomous driving from a shared vision to mass-market reality. C-V2X uses the 3rd Partner Project (3GPP) standard for 4G and 5G mobile cellular connectivity and operates in the 5.9 GHz frequency band. In most countries, this is the official designated Intelligent Transport System (ITS) frequency band.

C-V2X certification is a shifting landscape because of the evolving regional ITS standards while at the same time the regulatory requirements for 5G are a moving target. Manufacturers must accommodate future iterations and legislative changes to be competitive in a rapidly expanding marketplace.

This white paper outlines the importance of C-V2X and how to stay ahead of C-V2X certification despite the evolving 5G test requirements and regulations. The key topics covered in the white paper including the following:

•  Advantages of C-V2X technology

•  Automotive Industry alliances

•  C-V2X certification challenges

•  C-V2X testing and validation

•  Ensure conformance

•  C-V2X test solutions

Click here to read more.

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