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Advances in 3D-IC At DAC 2024

At the 2024 Design Automation Conference and Exhibit, Ansys, in collaboration with NVIDIA, has been showcasing its latest advances in 3D-IC multiphysics analysis, visualization, and signoff. Ansys solutions are on display for thermal integrity, power integrity, signal integrity, and mechanical integrity for multi-die (3D-IC) electronic assemblies. The DAC Exhibitor Forum sessions, sponso... » read more

Physics-Aware AI Is The Key To Next Gen IC Design

Chip design projects are notorious for generating huge amounts of design data. The design process calls for a dozen or more electronic design automation (EDA) software tools to be run in sequence. Together, they write out hundreds of gigabytes of intermediate data on the way to creating a final layout for manufacturing. Traditionally, this has been seen as a problem. But this richness of data i... » read more

Is Your Voltage Drop Flow Obsolete?

Voltage drop at advanced nodes is a deadly serious problem that has become unmanageable with the methodologies used by most chip designers today. This article will cover the reasons why power integrity has risen to a top-of-mind concern and why it has become almost impossible for today’s EDA tools to measure and fix it. We will then look at some radical methodology rethinking that is needed t... » read more

Challenges And Solutions In Chip Design

Ansys is hosting IDEAS Digital Forum 2022, a no-cost virtual event that brings together industry executives and technical design experts to discuss the latest in EDA for Semiconductors, Electronics, and Photonics. The December 6th on-line event starts with Keynote addresses from Raja Koduri from Intel, Pankaj Kukkal from Qualcomm, and insights into the metaverse from DP Prakash with start-up... » read more

Coming In Hot: Requirements For Successful Thermal Management In 3D-IC

As the speed, density, and capabilities of electronics have all increased, power has become a first order driver in almost all electronic systems. For instance, it’s well recognized that heat is often the number one limiting factor in 3D-IC design. High-speed chips stacked close together in a small housing cause things to heat up fast. One of the most common designer responses to overheating ... » read more

The Impact Of Multiphysics On Production Electronic Design

For many electronic design professionals, it has become clear that the industry is transitioning through an inflection point that is shifting some of the ground rules of design. The increase in the speed and integration density in today’s systems are blurring the lines between chip design and traditional board or system design. This finds its fullest expression in multi-die, 3D integrated ... » read more

Ten Reasons 3D-IC Will Profoundly Change The Way You Design Electronics

The history of electronic design has been defined by repeated waves of major technological change and accompanying business realignment. Many companies have foundered and disappeared when they were unable to anticipate and adjust to these powerful forces of change. Consequently, I am not alone in believing that now is the time to get ready for the next significant change to your electronic desi... » read more

Learn How To Streamline Design Flows And Reduce Design Cost

I’m excited to announce that general registration is now open for the new Ansys IDEAS Digital Forum!  IDEAS, hosted by Ansys Semiconductor, is a virtual gathering of top industry executives, thought leaders, and designers from some of the biggest IP, chip design, semiconductor foundry and electronic system companies in the world. Log in to IDEAS to join with your peers to listen to industry ... » read more

Introducing The Simulation World Virtual Conference For Multiphysics Verification

The elimination of all live seminars and conferences has been felt particularly acutely by Ansys. The company’s extraordinary breadth of simulation products across many different physics – including fluidics, mechanical, optical, electrical, materials, and semiconductors – means that dozens of events for many different industrial sectors have been cancelled or postponed this year. In r... » read more

Designers Face Growing Problems With On-Chip Power Distribution

The technology evolution in semiconductor manufacturing has led to chips with ever-higher power densities, which is leading to serious problems with on-chip power distribution. Specifically, the problems surrounding voltage drop—or IR drop (from V=IxR)—have become so acute that we have seen multiple companies starting to get back dead silicon from the fab. For example, a recent 7nm chip ... » read more