Automated Assembly And IP Integration Techniques For SoCs

Methodology changes that can help accelerate assembly of SoCs through automation.


Over the past few years, the consumer revolution has led to a trend in convergence of applications on a single device. The biggest example is the “ Smartphone” – handheld devices such as the iPhone or the BlackBerry that can enable consumers to read e-mail, text friends, create spreadsheets and documents, watch YouTube, play video games, listen to music, take pictures, store them, get directions, and yes, also make phone calls.

At the same time, due to a tighter economic climate as well as an increasingly competitive global marketplace, design teams are required to maintain (or even downsize) their current staffing levels. Effectively, they are being asked to deliver more with the same or fewer resources than before. The only way they can make this happen is by boosting the productivity of their design teams significantly.

To address these market realities, system and semiconductor suppliers are increasingly looking at methodology changes that can help accelerate assembly of chips and systems through one or multiple forms of automation. This white paper reviews the traditional starting points for automation and how these have evolved to structured solutions, building on emerging standards. It examines the basics of automation and new techniques for higher levels of automation enabled by these approaches. To download the paper, click here.


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