
Benefits Of The Ultra-Low Leakage Currents from IGZO TFTs For Neuromorphic Applications


A new technical paper titled “A tunable multi-timescale Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide thin-film transistor neuron towards hybrid solutions for spiking neuromorphic applications” was published by researchers at imec, CSIC Universidad de Sevilla, and Sungkyunkwan University.

“Spiking neural network algorithms require fine-tuned neuromorphic hardware to increase their effectiveness. Such hardware, mainly digital, is typically built on mature silicon nodes. Future artificial intelligence applications will demand the execution of tasks with increasing complexity and over timescales spanning several decades. The multi-timescale requirements for certain tasks cannot be attained effectively enough through the existing silicon-based solutions. Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide thin-film transistors can alleviate the timescale-related shortcomings of silicon platforms thanks to their bellow atto-ampere leakage currents. These small currents enable wide timescale ranges, far beyond what has been feasible through various emerging technologies. Here we have estimated and exploited these low leakage currents to create a multi-timescale neuron that integrates information spanning a range of 7 orders of magnitude and assessed its advantages in larger networks. The multi-timescale ability of this neuron can be utilized together with silicon to create hybrid spiking neural networks capable of effectively executing more complex tasks than their single-technology counterparts.”

Find the technical paper here. Published July 2024.

Velazquez Lopez, M., Linares-Barranco, B., Lee, J. et al. A tunable multi-timescale Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide thin-film transistor neuron towards hybrid solutions for spiking neuromorphic applications. Commun Eng 3, 102 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-024-00248-7.

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