Beyond Simulation: Transforming Early IC Design With Insight Analyzer

What can be achieved without running full simulations.


Traditional verification methods are proving inadequate for addressing critical reliability challenges in today’s increasingly complex integrated circuit (IC) designs. Modern IC design requires a proactive approach to verification that emphasizes early-stage analysis. The shift-left methodology enables earlier identification of potential design risks, addressing the complex challenges of IP block integration, subtle circuit design variations and the limitations of traditional simulation and electrical rule checking (ERC) tools.

The Insight Analyzer tool offers a breakthrough in design verification by detecting hard-to-find leakage issues across power domains, performing early design analysis without full simulation, while bridging verification gaps between static checking and comprehensive system simulation. By adopting this approach, design teams can identify potential design inefficiencies earlier thus reducing rework, improving circuit reliability and enhancing the power profile.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why modern IC design requires proactive reliability verification
  • How to better integrate complex IP blocks
  • How to perform early design analysis without simulation
  • How a STMicroelectronics design team used Insight Analyzer to reduce design rework, improve circuit reliability, and reduce leakage power

Who should read this:

  • Engineers and designers seeking to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of their design verification process
  • CAD engineers and engineering managers looking to streamline their verification processes
  • Anyone interested in staying up to date with the latest advancements in design automation

To read more, click here.

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