Blog Review: Aug. 7

Ransomware and disruption; 5G spectrum allocation; design for reliability.


Synopsys’ Taylor Armerding considers whether ransomware attacks on cities aren’t only about money but if there are political motivations for intentionally sowing chaos and dysfunction.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan takes a look at the different way radio spectrum for 5G is being allocated in the U.S., which recently auctioned 24GHz bands for mmWave, and the rest of the world, which has focused on mid-band spectrum to build out 5G first.

Mentor’s Omar El-Sewefy notes that the time is ripe for EDA software on the cloud now that providers have addressed security concerns and why some companies are switching.

ANSYS’ Chris Montgomery explains the fundamentals of design for reliability, the impact it has on a design’s success, who should be involved, and some best practices to guide the process.

A Rambus writer points to a new side-channel attack created by a group of white hat researchers that is specifically designed to reveal the internal structure and parameters of deep neural network computer vision models.

Intel’s Mike Davies digs into spiking neural networks as a means to achieve neuromorphic computing and why maximizing bits-per-Joule may be more important than bits-per-second.

SEMI’s Mike Russo raises concerns about trade tensions between Japan and Korea that could impact the supply of chemicals used in semiconductor manufacturing.

Arm’s Sital Amin contends that securing devices is a multi-dimensional challenge that needs to be addressed using a variety of different ways.

ON Semiconductor’s Irvind Ghai contends that Wi-Fi is becoming an integral part of the outdoors communication infrastructure thanks to improved spectral efficiency and better performance in dense environments in Wi-Fi 6.

Intrinsix’s Eric Bass explains the goals of DARPA’s CHIPS program to develop modular electronic systems comprised of chiplets connected with a silicon interposer.

Nvidia’s Geetika Gupta reflects on some of the accomplishments of Titan, the 2012 supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that, once the fastest in the U.S., was recently decommissioned.

Plus, don’t miss the featured blogs from the latest IoT, Security & Automotive and Test, Measurement & Analytics newsletters:

Editor In Chief Ed Sperling argues that the hack at Capital One should scare everyone.

Executive editor Ann Steffora Mutschler looks at why AI and machine learning advancements are evolving along with ADAS development.

Flex Logix’s Geoff Tate explains why TOPS isn’t all you need to know about an inference chip.

Mentor’s Jacob Wiltgen describes the juggling act to detect random faults and fail safely, but still consider power and area impact of safety features.

Synopsys’ Dana Neustadter shows how iSIM enables strong identification and authentication of devices that can act as the trust anchor for secure communications.

Editor In Chief Ed Sperling argues that test may become the next bottleneck in design.

OptimalPlus’s Michael Schuldenfrei presents a checklist for using data more effectively.

ProteanTecs’ Evelyn Landman explains how to use in-circuit monitoring and off-chip machine learning to improve reliability.

Mentor’s Vidya Neerkundar questions whether you can still take advantage of hierarchical DFT methods if you need to perform full-flat physical implementation.

YieldHUB’s Kevin Robinson observes that although OSATs historically have performed outlier detection, more fabless companies are taking control in-house.

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