Blog Review: Oct. 8

Hair drag; precision clocks; free software; sexy vids; DDR4; HPC myths; wobbly wings; connected appliances; price points.


Mentor’s Robin Bornoff examines the thickness of leg hair and just how much of a drag it causes for bicyclists. More hair equals more drag, and thicker hair is worse.

Ansys’ Justin Nescott routes out the top five engineering articles of the week. Of particular note: The world’s most precise clock, which loses one second every 13.8 billion years.

Cadence’s Richard Goering puts some context around ARM’s free mbed software platform, which was unveiled last week at TechCon.

Synopsys’ Mick Posner has posted several videos that he describes as “sexy.” That may be a bit of a stretch.

Rambus’ Aharon Etengoff digs into DDR4 and why the ramp will begin on the server side for both Intel and ARM-based chips—ultimately dropping the cost to where it’s comparable to DDR3.

SEMI’s Karen Savala looks at the progress in semiconductor equipment export regulations and public-private partnerships.

Mentor’s Don Miller ventures into the mechanical world of pressure loss and how to factor that into system design. In the world of the IIoT, this is critical.

Ansys’ Wim Slagter unveils six myths associated with high-performance computing adoption. Check out No. 5.

Cadence’s Brian Fuller provides some insights into optimizing ARM’s M7 chips, including how to deal with dynamic power and timing closure.

Ansys’ Dominico Caridi turns his blog over to two researchers from the University of Naples to talk about the challenges of releasing weapons from a wobbly aircraft wing.

And in case you missed the most recent IoT and Security newsletter, here are some noteworthy blogs:

Technology Editor Ernest Worthman sounds the alarm on some connected appliances that may be transmitting very personal data.

Executive Editor Ann Steffora Mutschler argues that to get IoT applications into the hands of consumers the right kind of devices have to be available at the right price point.

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