5 Traits For Healthy Competition

Competition encourages continuous improvement. Therefore, to enable growth, surround yourself with others who aspire to be better. This fundamental concept is most notably quoted in Proverbs 27:17, “iron sharpens iron,” interpreted as when both people are committed to growth, they recognize challenges as opportunities, not obstacles. Competitive people are found everywhere. The competiti... » read more

The Challenge Doesn’t Stop At Certification: Post-B Corp Certification Reflections

Nearly one year after becoming the semiconductor industry’s first Certified B Corporation by meeting the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility, Brewer Science still finds itself faced with a number challenges associated with upholding the B Corp mission. Following are five main challenges we are working to tackle in our ongoing pursuit to fulfill the B Corp missi... » read more

Sustainability In Creating Next-Gen Materials

In recent years, sustainable manufacturing has become increasingly vital in the materials industry with growing concerns about the impact of manufacturing on the environment. Minimizing the intrinsic risks associated with any manufacturing operation while maximizing the quality and opportunities that arise with improved products is and should be the goal of almost every manufacturer today. At... » read more

Six Examples Of Predictive Maintenance

One of the many tools that condition monitoring enables us to provide is predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance allows you to improve business efficiency by minimizing downtime and increasing productivity. This is achieved by strategically monitoring assets and conditions specific to your business, which vary significantly based on your industry. While several companies directly be... » read more

Workplace Safety Lessons From The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill on April 20th, 2010, was the largest marine oil spill in history, marking a significant change in the oil industry and safety standards thereafter. What data do we have on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? BP leased the oil rig, however, it was owned and operated by an offshore company called Transocean. The drilling reached a depth of nearly 1 mile, at 5,000 ... » read more

Four Types Of Predictive Maintenance Technologies

Through the expansion of our Smart Devices and Printed Electronics Foundry, we have assisted a diverse range of customers to find the benefits of predictive maintenance to improve the efficiency of their production, the safety of their personnel, and the quality of their products. We have identified some of the most prevalent predictive maintenance technologies and some of the most common appl... » read more

Benefits Of Being A B-Corp. In The Tech Industry

Becoming a Certified B Corporation comes with many benefits, most of them extending beyond the walls of the company and into the hands of employees, community members, and industry partners. The designation makes the meticulous and rigorous process to certification well worth the endeavor. In 2021, Brewer Science announced that it’s the first company in the semiconductor industry to become... » read more

Eco-Friendly Initiatives For Semiconductor Sustainability

Global warming is a hot topic lately, pun intended, contributing to an over 2-degree temperature increase in the last two centuries—which might not seem significant until you factor in the larger stress it puts on our ecosystem (and economy): fire threats, water shortages, and increases in natural disasters. In the last four decades, damages from climate disasters have cost the US 2 trillion... » read more

Eyes On Zero Defects: Defect Detection And Characterization Metrology

By Darin Collins and Jessica Albright Metrology is the science of measuring, characterizing, and analyzing materials. Within metrology, there are several technologies used to detect material defects on a very small scale – precision on the scale of parts per trillion or less is necessary in the pursuit of zero defects. We broadly define our characterization approach into three main categor... » read more

Si Hardmask (Si-HM), EUV And Zero Defects

The multilayer system used in lithography consists of a planarizing carbon layer beneath a hardmask etch-transferring layer and capped with a standard photoresist coating. In the past, Brewer Science has discussed in-depth how the multilayer system helped to extend ArF (193 nm) immersion lithography to be able to print and transfer ever-shrinking features, ensuring enough process window especia... » read more

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