Simplifying The Road To ISO 26262 Compliance

By Joseph Dailey and Robert Bates Since the release of ISO 26262 in November 2011, companies have had to figure out how to navigate the standard’s requirements throughout the development process of electrical and/or electronic systems for road vehicles. Recently new trends have emerged — software companies have started pre-qualifying both their software tools for use by their customers, ... » read more

Automotive Technology Trends Reshaping An Industry

The automotive industry is being disrupted as never before in its history. Casual observers might think this disruption is only about the march toward self-driving cars, which has captured a majority share of the headlines and online chatter. Autonomy is a huge development, to be sure, but two other major technology trends, electrification and connectivity, need equal air time. More than a y... » read more

Smartphone Innovation Ignites IoT Creativity

The unrelenting drive to add more sensor-based features at a lower cost in smartphones has opened up opportunities for companies large and small to create innovative IoT edge products. With close to 15 billion MEMS-based sensors shipped in 2015 (expanding to 30 billion by 2020) at an average selling price of $1 (Yole Développement “Status of the MEMS Industry report for 2015”), many design... » read more

Five Automotive Megatrends

We see the term 'new mobility' becoming a catch-all for everything happening in connected, autonomous, electric vehicle development. It’s too broad a term to describe the future, we need to drill down a level. We have to look beyond automotive today, see where industry technology convergence is taking us, and identify the megatrends. Here at Mentor Automotive, we have identified five: Connect... » read more

Data Management For IIoT Devices: Is Your Software Stack Up To Task?

By now we’ve heard about the great things the IIoT will bring; increased productivity, improved operational efficiency, innovation, greater competitiveness the global markets, and so on. But there’s a major shift underway that’s worth mentioning. …what is this shift? Image courtesy of EETimes. The rise of the edge device Today we are seeing intelligent processing and ... » read more

Automotive IC Design Drives Simulation Innovation

By Roberto Stella, STMicroelectronics and Ahmed Eisawy, Mentor Graphics STMicroelectronics invented the Bipolar, CMOS, DMOS (BCD) technology for the intelligent power applications demanded by automotive ICs. This technology is widely-adopted by the automotive IC industry. But, designing automotive ICs is very challenging. It requires innovative techniques to ensure that the ICs can stand u... » read more

Engineering Challenges Of ADAS

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have made tremendous strides in the past decade. The technology is part of the larger thrust to improve safety of cars, which cause over a million deaths per year around the world. Fortunately, fatal crashes have been on a steady decline for decades even as automobile usage has gone up. This is due in large part to safety-related technologies, including... » read more

Automotive Digitalization And The Customer Relationship

A current big idea that’s kicking around, one that motivates much of what we’re trying to do with Mentor Automotive tools and services, is that digitalization represents the third relatively recent disruption of the auto industry. Yes, the effects of the first two, the opening of China and the electrification of the powertrain, are still being felt. But the effects of the third will almost... » read more

Life on the Edge of IoT

The world on the edge of the IoT provides a rich microcosm to explore. While much of the attention paid to IoT is on big data applications in the cloud or the world of aggregating massive data provided by the real-world edge devices in the wild though cellphones and gateways, the edge devices themselves present a cornucopia of design challenges and exciting applications. Sensors and actuators m... » read more

Perspectives on the Future of Mobility from SAE World Congress 2016

The discussions rage on, and I'm not talking about any election banter, which is growing tiresome. (I’ll note here that election cycles back home in the U.K. last just a month or so.) I’m talking about the future of mobility, the way you and I get around in the world — a hot topic last month at SAE World Congress. Along with much of the rest of the automotive engineering community, I w... » read more

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