Who Calls The Shots?

By Kurt Shuler Who REALLY calls the shots in chip design today? That sounds like a stupid question. Who really calls the shots in chip design today? Well, chip designers of course. But you’re wrong if you mean to say that the traditional semiconductor manufacturers are the ones who always do all the hefty work of chip design, including determining requirements, performing technical tra... » read more

What’s On TV?

By Kurt Shuler Could Apple TV revive the digital TV (DTV) market? That was the underlying question behind a trio of presentations given at yesterday’s Gartner Semiconductor Briefing at in San Jose. Three Gartner analysts outlined a path forward for our industry to innovate its way out of the morass that has become the digital TV market. Alfonso Velosa was the first analyst to present a... » read more

Server Processor War Heats Up

By Kurt Shuler Yesterday’s announcement that Intel will acquire Cray’s interconnect hardware program, including IP and 74 employees, is the latest salvo in the race to develop commercially viable massively multicore server processors. On the surface, this acquisition seems like another instance of Intel beefing up its board-level interconnect technology, after having already acquired Fu... » read more

The Three Consequences Of Fewer Design Starts

By Kurt Shuler Gartner’s Feb. 27 report, “Market Trends: Worldwide, ASIC and ASSP Design Starts Continue Declining Trend, 2012,” by analysts Bryan Lewis and Ganesh Ramamoorthy, gives all of us insight into what the semiconductor world will look like a few years in the future. Combined with Gartner’s reports on semiconductor design IP, we can gain an understanding of how the semicond... » read more

Interchip Connectivity

By Kurt Shuler It may seem strange to link two interchip interface standards to the future of3D integrated circuits, but please bear with me for a few minutes. I hope to prove that the learning from today will impact how we design SoCs in the near future. C2C and LLI: The first standards created with the “combo chip” in mind As you may already know, the purposes of the chip-to-chip (C2... » read more

Semiconductor Slowdown? Invest!

By Kurt Shuler Samsung’s announcement that it is investing a company-record $42B in 2012 for technology development came as a bit of a shock to many in the financial and technology press. The size of this investment dwarfs that of any other company I know of, and even exceeds the expected technology investments of entire nations, such as the combined investments of the Japanese semiconductor... » read more

Where The Wild Things Are…

By Kurt Shuler After spending the past month on the road meeting customers in China, Korea and Europe, I finally had the opportunity to read Maurice Sendak’s excellent children’s book, “Where the Wild Things Are,” to my two year-old son this weekend. I see some parallels between the world experienced by the book’s young protagonist, Max, and what I learned from Gartner analyst Ganesh... » read more

Thinking Bigger

I am in Shanghai and Xi’an this week for the ICCAD event and numerous customer visits, and have had the opportunity to observe and reflect upon the drivers of change within our industry. Living in the United States, and specifically Silicon Valley, has given me a front-row seat to the technology business for well over a decade. But my first visit to mainland China has shown me how parochial a... » read more

A Message From Steve Jobs

By Kurt Shuler “I wanted my kids to know me. I wasn’t always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did.” This is how Steve Jobs answered his biographer when asked why he agreed to cooperate in the writing of his biography. Jobs’ statement was a kick in the gut when I first read it, and still elicits a gnawing pain in me. It drove home the point th... » read more


By Kurt Shuler Two new options for interchip connectivity are available today that enable sharing a DRAM memory between two chips for data and programs. These standards, called MIPI Low Latency Interface (MIPI LLI) and Chip-to-Chip (C2C), are primarily targeted at mobile phones, where a mobile phone’s modem usually requires its own discreet DRAM. With either C2C or MIPI LLI, the mobile phone... » read more

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