How Safe Is Safe Enough?

That was the overarching question a group of 180 experts discussed last week at the ISO 26262 & SOTIF conference for four days during #FuSaWeek2023 in Berlin. "How Safe is Safe Enough" is also the title of Prof. Koopman's book from September 2022. I mentioned him in my blog "Are We Too Hard On Artificial Intelligence For Autonomous Driving?" Prof. Koopman was referenced often in Berlin, and... » read more

The Architect’s Dilemma And Closing The Loop With Implementation

Gordon Moore has left a mark on our industry. Moore's Law has shaped decades of development. The EDA industry has been moving up the layers of abstraction to increase the productivity and predictability of design flows in our efforts to address the ever-increasing complexity of semiconductors and electronics developments. I had written about it in "Chasing The Next Level Of Productivity" not lo... » read more

The Game Of Ecosystems Intensifies

You may know about my fascination with ecosystems if you have followed my writing. It is only fitting that I am writing this Blog in Munich (shiver, it's cold), where I attended the GSA McKinsey workshop on "Distributed E/E Architectures and Zonal Computing." This workshop had attendees from semiconductor foundries, EDA vendors, IP vendors, Tier 1 Semis, Tier 2 Integrators, software vendors, an... » read more

Considering Semiconductor Implementation Aspects Early During Network-on-Chip Development

As they say, while history may not repeat itself, it sure rhymes. In 2015, I wrote the blog "Why Implementation Matters To System Design And Software." At the time, I mused that while abstraction is essential in system design, it has limitations that users must consider. Critical decisions, such as those regarding power and performance, require more accuracy than can be feasibly abstracted. ... » read more

Shortening Network-on-Chip Development Schedules Using Physical Awareness

Taking physical design into account as early as possible has been a consideration of chip development teams for quite some time. Still, in interactions with customers and partners, 2022 marked a sharp uptick in concerns about whether a design that may be functionally correct can also be implemented using physical implementation flows. Given the intricacies and complexity of network-on-chip (NoC... » read more

When Does My SoC Design Need A NoC?

By Michael Frank and Frank Schirrmeister Excluding the simplest offerings, almost every modern system-on-chip (SoC) device will implement its on-chip communications utilizing a network-on-chip (NoC). Some people question whether it is necessary to use a NoC or whether a more basic approach would suffice. What is in an SoC? An SoC is an integrated circuit (IC) that incorporates most or all ... » read more

Are We Too Hard On Artificial Intelligence For Autonomous Driving?

I recently attended and presented at Detroit's "Implementation of ISO 26262 & SOTIF" conference. Its subtitle was "Taking an Integrated Approach to Automotive Safety." After three days, my head was spinning with numbers of ISO/SAE and other standards. And at the end of day two, after yet another example that tricked autonomous driving prototypes into behaving wrongly, I sighed and asked whe... » read more

The Automotive Paradigm Shift

We are currently experiencing a pivotal moment concerning the automotive industry. Three major technology areas are converging. First, there is an enormous demand for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) coupled with the increasing trend toward autonomy. Second is the digitization and electrification of everything, which is driving the need for efficient compute. Third is the trend to high... » read more

Scalability: A Looming Problem In Safety Analysis

The boundless possibilities of automation in cars and other vehicles have captivated designers to the point that electronic content is now a stronger driver of differentiation than any other factor. It accounts for a substantial fraction of material cost in any of these vehicles. But this revolution in automotive technology comes with a caveat. In other applications, an electronics problem may ... » read more

Time For FMEDA Reuse?

How do designers quantify safety in electronic systems? Through one or more tables called Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis – FMEDA. In fact, an FMEDA does not have to be a table; it could be manifested in scripts or some other form, but a table is the easiest way to think of this information. Think of an FMEDA for an IP, as the concept extends easily to a system-on-chip (SoC). T... » read more

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