The Next Killer Apps

The search is on for the next killer applications that will turn connected devices into the next smart phone or PC. Billions of dollars are being poured into startups and established companies, creating a spectrum of new ideas they're trying to bring to market. Whether those investments pay off with a single application, or whether they lead to new ideas that fuse together multiple markets, ... » read more

Explosion Of Creativity

One of Steve Jobs' great revelations occurred while watching his young daughter use a computer with a graphical user interface. He observed that adults ask how to use a computer, whereas children ask what you can do with it. The semiconductor industry is experiencing one of those seminal moments with the Internet of Things/Internet of Everything. While work continues to ensure that electrons... » read more

When Will The IoE Be Real?

One question that surfaces repeatedly from all parts of the electronics world is, 'When will the IoE be real?' There's no simple answer to that question—and there never will be. In some market segments, notably industrial, the IoE has been in existence for years. Being able to predict outages in a production environment has huge economic benefits, and companies have been adding those kinds... » read more

Data Centers At Risk

Large companies have been utilizing private clouds for the past half-decade as a way to safeguard their data and still take advantage of outsourcing economics. Using that approach, the data center has become an in-house service provider with its own P&L, which is why there has been such a push to improve efficiency well beyond the server consolidation that was made possible with virtualization.... » read more

IoT One Year Later

One year ago the Internet of Things didn't exist for most companies. It was a PowerPoint concept filled with ridiculous, impossibly large numbers, and it was almost universally greeted with a healthy dose of skepticism. It wasn't uncommon to hear terms such as the Internet of Nothing, the Internet of Cars, and the Internet of Home Devices. It also wasn't common to hear comments such as, "What, ... » read more

Security Progress In Some Places, Not Others

Security is big business, and it's increasingly part of business done between big businesses in the semiconductor market. The deal that was announced this week between NXP and Qualcomm, adding a secure NFC module to the Snapdragon chip, is certainly good business. But what's really interesting about this arrangement is that it was done between two very prominent companies, which saw a potent... » read more

Making It Differently

Anyone who hasn't bought into the IoT/E as a fundamental shift in electronics should check out what's happening in China. All appliances and electronics being developed for the home market are now being sold as smart-ready. This is a market that comprises roughly one-fifth (19.4% to be exact) of the world's population. In the future, whether or not you hook up a new washing machine or TV to ... » read more

More Updates Everywhere

Being connected to everything has its pros and cons. On the plus side, you'll probably have far fewer of those moments when you forget something, can't get in touch with someone, or can't find what you're looking for. On the downside, you'll be in an always-on world, and all the other people you've reached out to can also reach out back to you. This extends well beyond just person-to-person ... » read more

Self-Driving Cars?

The dream of hopping in your car and lounging on a bench seat that faces sideways or backward while it delivers you to your destination is a really nice idea. It's akin to upgrading from economy class seat on an airline to your own private jet. But this idea also faces some huge hurdles. First and foremost is liability. If an autonomous vehicle gets into an accident, who's responsible? If it... » read more

Cross-Market Security Issues

The real attractiveness of the Internet of Things is the ability to leap across communications barriers. Roll back just 15 years ago and carmakers offered special car phones as an option on high-end vehicles. Roll back 20 years ago and connectivity was so slow that you could hear your modem connecting with the modem on the other end. The widespread adoption of the cell phone, and the pervas... » read more

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