Liquid-Infused Nanostructured Composites As A Universal Thermal Interface Solution for Cooling Applications

A new technical paper titled "Liquid-infused nanostructured composite as a high-performance thermal interface material for effective cooling" was published by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, Oregon State University and Arieca. Abstract "Effective heat dissipation remains a grand challenge for energy-dense devices and systems. As heterogeneous integration becomes increasingly inev... » read more

Vertical AlGaN Heterostructures For Integrated Photonics

A new technical paper titled "AlGaN/AlN heterostructures: an emerging platform for integrated photonics" was published by researchers at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH). Abstract "We introduce a novel material for integrated photonics and investigate aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) on aluminum nitride (AlN) templates as a platform for developing reconfig... » read more

Design-Space Analysis of M3D FPGA With BEOL Configuration Memories (Georgia Tech, UCLA)

A new technical paper titled "Monolithic 3D FPGAs Utilizing Back-End-of-Line Configuration Memories" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech and UCLA. Abstract "This work presents a novel monolithic 3D (M3D) FPGA architecture that leverages stackable back-end-of-line (BEOL) transistors to implement configuration memory and pass gates, significantly improving area, latency, and power ef... » read more

Loss Processes in Electrochemically Charged Semiconductor Nanocrystal Films (TU Delft)

A new technical paper titled "Where Do the Electrons Go? Studying Loss Processes in the Electrochemical Charging of Semiconductor Nanomaterials" was published by researchers at Delft University of Technology. Abstract "Electrochemical charging of films of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) allows precise control over their Fermi level and opens up new possibilities for use of semiconductor NC... » read more

Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of NVM-Based CIM Accelerators (TSMC)

A new technical paper/mini-review titled "Assessing Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of Nonvolatile Memory-Based Compute-in-Memory Accelerators" was published by researchers at TSMC and National Tsing Hua University. Abstract "Unprecedented penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms has brought about rapid innovations in electronic hardware, including new memory devi... » read more

Geometric-Aware Model Merging Approach To Enhance Instruction Alignment in Chip LLMs (Nvidia)

A new technical paper titled "ChipAlign: Instruction Alignment in Large Language Models for Chip Design via Geodesic Interpolation" was published by researchers at NVIDIA Research. Abstract: "Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have expanded their application across various domains, including chip design, where domain-adapted chip models like ChipNeMo have emerged. However, ... » read more

Domain Wall Fluctuations in Sliding Ferroelectrics (Cambridge, Argonne)

A new technical paper titled "Superconductivity from Domain Wall Fluctuations in Sliding Ferroelectrics" was published by researchers at University of Cambridge and Argonne National Lab. Abstract: "Bilayers of two-dimensional van der Waals materials that lack an inversion center can show a novel form of ferroelectricity, where certain stacking arrangements of the two layers lead to an inter... » read more

Transformation Of Polarons As Tellurene Becomes Thinner

A new research paper titled "Thickness-dependent polaron crossover in tellurene" was published by researchers from Rice University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, MIT, Argonne National Laboratory, ORNL, Purdue University, and Stanford University. Abstract "Polarons, quasiparticles from electron-phonon coupling, are crucial for material properties including high-temperature supercond... » read more

AI Accelerators for Homomorphic Encryption Workloads

A new technical paper titled "Leveraging ASIC AI Chips for Homomorphic Encryption" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech, MIT, Google and Cornell University. Abstract: "Cloud-based services are making the outsourcing of sensitive client data increasingly common. Although homomorphic encryption (HE) offers strong privacy guarantee, it requires substantially more resources than compu... » read more

Schottky Barrier Transistors: Status, Challenges and Modeling Tools

A technical paper titled "Roadmap for Schottky barrier transistors" was published by researchers at University of Surrey, Namlab gGmbH, Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), et al. Abstract "In this roadmap we consider the status and challenges of technologies that use the properties of a rectifying metal-semiconductor interface, known as a Schottky barrier (SB), as an asset for device functio... » read more

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