Why Traceability Matters

More heterogeneous and increasingly dense chip designs make it much harder to stay on track with initial specifications. Paul Graykowski, senior technical marketing manager at Arteris IP, talks about matching requirements to the design, the impact of ECOs and other last-minute changes, and best practices for managing revisions. » read more

The Risk Of Losing Track Of Your IP

What happens when you misuse IP, intentionally or otherwise? Pedro Pires, applications engineer at Cliosoft, talks about the challenges of keeping track of IP across multiple chip design projects, which can grow to include dozens of third-party IP blocks, last for long periods of years, and span multiple continents. » read more

Radiation Hardening Chips For Outer Space

What’s the difference between radiation tolerant and radiation hardening, and where is each one used? Minal Sawant, director of the aerospace and defense vertical market at Xilinx, talks about different striations in the Earth’s atmosphere, how those various levels can affect radiation, and what impact that has on the functionality of increasingly dense chip circuits over extended periods o... » read more

Creating IoT Devices That Will Remain Secure

What’s secure today may not be secure in the future, and even if you include an IoT device with state-of-the-art security, it may be surrounded by less secure devices. Steve Hanna, distinguished engineer at Infineon, examines the impact of security on IoT adoption, why resilience across a system is the new target for secure designs, and how to minimize the impact of less secure devices. » read more

End-To-End Traceability

Despite standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508, there are still disconnects and gaps in the supply chain and design-through-manufacturing flows. Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at Arteris IP, digs into what's missing, why changes made in one area are not reflected in other areas and throughout the product lifecycle, and why various different phases of the flow don't always match up ... » read more

Using ML In EDA

Machine learning is becoming essential for designing chips due to the growing volume of data stemming from increasing density and complexity. Nick Ni, director of product marketing for AI at Xilinx, examines why machine learning is gaining traction at advanced nodes, where it’s being used today and how it will be used in the future, how quality of results compare with and without ML, and what... » read more

Changes In Auto Architectures

Automotive architectures are changing from a driver-centric model to one where technology supplements and in some cases replaces the driver. Hans Adlkofer, senior vice president and head of the Automotive Systems Group at Infineon, looks at the different levels of automation in a vehicle, what’s involved in the shift from domain to zonal architectures, why a mix of processors will be required... » read more

Sensor Fusion Everywhere

How do you distinguish between background noise and the sound of an intruder breaking glass? David Jones, head of marketing and business development for intuitive sensing solutions at Infineon, looks at what types of sensors are being developed, what happens when different sensors are combined, what those sensors are being used for today, and what they will be used for in the future. » read more

Safe And Robust Machine Learning

Deploying machine learning in the real world is a lot different than developing and testing it in a lab. Quenton Hall, AI systems architect at Xilinx, examines security implications on both the inferencing and training side, the potential for disruptions to accuracy, and how accessible these models and algorithms will be when they are used at the edge and in the cloud. This involves everything ... » read more

Dynamically Reconfiguring Logic

Dynamic reconfiguration of semiconductor logic has been possible for years, but it never caught on commercially. Cheng Wang, co-founder and senior vice president of software and engineering at Flex Logix, explains why this capability has been so difficult to utilize, what’s changed, how a soft logic layer can be used to control when to read, compute, steer, and write data back to memory, and ... » read more

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