
Ethernet-Based In-Car Networking and Trends in Automotive Communications


A technical paper titled “A Perspective on Ethernet in Automotive Communications—Current Status and Future Trends” was published by researchers at University of Catania.

“Automated driving requires correct perception of the surrounding environment in any driving condition. To achieve this result, not only are many more sensors than in current Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS) needed, but such sensors are also of different types, such as radars, ultrasonic sensors, LiDARs, and video cameras. Given the high number of sensors and the bandwidth requirements of some of them, high-bandwidth automotive-grade networks are required. Ethernet technology is a suitable candidate, as it offers a broad selection of automotive-grade Ethernet physical layers, with transmission speeds ranging from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps. In addition, the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) family of standards offers several features for Ethernet-based networks that are suitable for automotive communications, such as high reliability, bounded delays, support for scheduled traffic, etc. In this context, this paper provides an overview of Ethernet-based in-car networking and discusses novel trends and future developments in automotive communications.”

Find the technical paper here. Published January 2023.

Lo Bello, Lucia, Gaetano Patti, and Luca Leonardi. 2023. “A Perspective on Ethernet in Automotive Communications—Current Status and Future Trends” Applied Sciences 13, no. 3: 1278. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13031278

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