Modern CNNs and transformers are comprised of varied ML network operators and non-MAC functions.
For the past half-decade, countless chip designers have approached the challenges of on-device machine learning inference with the simple idea of building a “MAC accelerator” – an array of high-performance multiply-accumulate circuits – paired with a legacy programmable core to tackle the ML inference compute problem. There are literally dozens of lookalike architectures in the market today with this same accelerator plus fallback core concept.
And for those same five years, Quadric has been shouting from the rooftops that this partitioned, fallback-style architecture simply cannot work for modern networks. True, the idea of a partitioned (programmable core) + (MAC tensor engine) worked quite well in 2021 to run classic CNNs from the Resnet era (circa 2015-2017). But we have argued that modern CNNs and all new transformers are comprised of much more varied ML network operators – and far more complex, non-MAC functions – than the simple eight (8) operator Resnet-50 backbone of long ago.
There were times when it felt quite lonely being the only company telling the world, “Hey, you’re not looking at the new wave of networks. MACs are not enough! It’s the fully functional ALUs that matter!” So imagine our joy at finding one of the market titans – Qualcomm – coming around to our way of thinking!
In November last year at the Automotive Compute Conference in Munich, a Qualcomm keynote speaker featured this chart in his presentation.
Slide from Qualcomm – Public presentation at Nov 2024 Automotive Compute Conference Munich. (Image copyright: Qualcomm)
The chart above shows Qualcomm’s own analysis of over 1200 different AI/ML networks that they have profiled for their automotive chipsets. The Y axis shows the breakdown of the performance demands for each network, color-coded by how much of the compute is multiply-accumulate (MAC) functions – Blue; other vector DSP type calculations – ALU Operations (Grey, Orange); and pure scalar/control code – Yellow. The 3-segment breakdown by Qualcomm corresponds to how Qualcomm’s Hexagon AI accelerator is designed – with three unique computing blocks.
The first 50+ networks on the lefthand side are indeed MAC dominated, requiring MAC accelerated hardware for >90% of the time. But more than half of the total networks are less than 50% MAC dominated. And some of these newer networks have little or no classical multiply-accumulate layers at all!
At first blush, the argument made by Qualcomm seems plausible: there is a MAC engine for matrix-dominated networks and a classic DSP core for networks that are mostly ALU operation bound. Except they leave out two critical pieces of information: First, the argument in favor of a three-core heterogenous solution ignores the delay and power involved in shuttling data between multiple cores as the computing needs change from operator to operator in the ML graph. Second, and most importantly, is the imbalance in size/performance between the matrix accelerator and the programmable DSP engines. The DSP is orders of magnitude smaller than the accelerator engine!
Today’s largest licensable DSPs have 512-bit wide vector datapaths. That translates into 16 parallel ALU operations occurring simultaneously. But common everyday devices – AI PCs and mobile phones – routinely feature 40 TOPs matrix accelerators. That 40 TOP accelerator can produce 2000+ results of 3×3 convolutions each clock cycle. 2000 versus 16. That is a greater than two order of magnitude mismatch. Models run on the DSP are thus two order of magnitude slower than similar models run on the accelerator. Models that need to ping-pong between the different types of compute get bottlenecked on the slow DSP.
If silicon area and cost are not a concern, we suppose you could put a constellation of 64 DSPs on chip to make non-MAC networks run as fast as the MAC dominated networks. 64 discrete DSPs with 64 instruction caches, 64 data caches, 64 AXI interfaces, etc. Good luck programming that!
Or, you could use one Chimera GPNPU processor that integrates a full-function 32-bit ALU with each cluster of 16 or 32 MACs. Up to 1024 ALUs in a single core, with only one instruction fetch and one AXI data port. Chimera GPNPUs have matched and balanced compute throughput for both MAC and ALU compute so no matter what type of network you choose to run, they all run fast and highly parallel.
If you want unfiltered, full disclosure of performance data for a leading machine learning processing solution, head over to Quadric’s online DevStudio tool. In DevStudio you will find more than 120 AI benchmark models, each with links to the source model, all the intermediary compilation results and reports ready for your inspection, and data from hundreds of cycle-accurate simulation runs on each benchmark model so you can compare all the possible permutations of on-chip memory size options, assumptions about off-chip DDR bandwidth, and presented with a fully transparent Batch=1 set of test conditions. And you can easily download the full SDK to run your own simulation of a complete signal chain, or a batched simulation to match your system needs. Learn more at:
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