
New Strategies For Enhancing Transport Properties of Conducting Polymers (Cambridge, et al.)


A new technical paper titled “Non-equilibrium transport in polymer mixed ionic–electronic conductors at ultrahigh charge densities” was published by researchers at Cambridge University, Grenoble Alpes University, CNRS, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, et al.

“Conducting polymers are mixed ionic–electronic conductors that are emerging candidates for neuromorphic computing, bioelectronics and thermoelectrics. However, fundamental aspects of their many-body correlated electron–ion transport physics remain poorly understood. Here we show that in p-type organic electrochemical transistors it is possible to remove all of the electrons from the valence band and even access deeper bands without degradation. By adding a second, field-effect gate electrode, additional electrons or holes can be injected at set doping states. Under conditions where the counterions are unable to equilibrate in response to field-induced changes in the electronic carrier density, we observe surprising, non-equilibrium transport signatures that provide unique insights into the interaction-driven formation of a frozen, soft Coulomb gap in the density of states. Our work identifies new strategies for substantially enhancing the transport properties of conducting polymers by exploiting non-equilibrium states in the coupled system of electronic charges and counterions.”

Find the technical paper here. Published July 2024.

Tjhe, D.H.L., Ren, X., Jacobs, I.E. et al. Non-equilibrium transport in polymer mixed ionic–electronic conductors at ultrahigh charge densities. Nat. Mater. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-024-01953-6.

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