Systems & Design

Overview Of TVOC And Indoor Air Quality

The basics of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and indoor air quality (IAQ).


The aim of this white paper is to cover the basics of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and indoor air quality (IAQ). Volatile organic compounds are the main source for poor indoor air quality, which can affect a person’s daily life. Recommendations from various institutions and agencies regarding TVOC levels that are deemed hazardous to human health are given in the “Hazardous Condition Limits and Standards for TVOC” section. Monitoring objects that outgas in indoor areas is recommended, especially in critical places, such as schools and public buildings as well as in homes. Hence, sensitive and robust instrumentation is needed. Renesas provides TVOC gas sensors in two gas sensor families, ZMOD and SGAS, which are small and easy to implement and therefore offer a unique capability to monitor the TVOC in various places over a long product lifetime.

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