Resolving Particle Issues In Photolithographic Scanners

How to improves longterm yields and equipment setup by wirelessly monitoring airborne particles in real time.


Case Study: It’s essential to quickly identify the source of airborne particles in photolithographic scanners — both to coordinate and confirm the effects of cleanings and repairs. Regrettably, most traditional methods for detecting particles have trouble addressing particle issues proactively.

Consider in-situ methods as an example. Conventional in-situ scanners do not provide access to real-time feedback, allowing particle sources to go undetected for significant amounts of time. These limitations make these legacy methods impractical for particle identification and management.

CyberOptics has tested in-situ scanners across a variety of photolithography tools with excess particles to measure their efficacy. Across these tests, the in-situ particle scanners would scan monitor reticles going in clean — but intermittently exit with significant amounts of particles of unknown origin.

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