Securing 5G And IoT With Fuzzing

Why IoT devices are so vulnerable and how to test for vulnerabilities.


5G will revolutionize many industries, with up to 100 times the speed, 100 times the capacity, and one-tenth the latency compared to 4G LTE. But in addition to providing superior performance, 5G expands the attack surface of apps and IoT devices that rely on this next-gen network. In addition to known security exploits, we’re bound to see unknown, novelty attacks.

Fuzz testing (or fuzzing) can test and exploit software and devices using 5G and 4G LTE networks to find improper handling of procedures, invalid integrity protection, and security procedure bypasses. This white paper explores the background of 5G, Wi-Fi, and IoT technologies, as well as some of their well-known vulnerabilities. It also explains how the Defensics generational fuzzer can use close to 300 prebuilt test suites, as well as custom suites, to discover unknown vulnerabilities.

How 5G will enable tens of billions of IoT devices
Why IoT devices are so vulnerable to botnets and denial-of-service attacks
How Defensics can find and test for vulnerabilities—not only for 5G and 4G LTE but also for IPv4, 802.11 WLAN, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth

Click here to download the white paper.

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