WiFi Evolves For The IoT

WiFi is everywhere, and it’s the most prevalent of the communication protocols that use unlicensed spectrum. But as a common protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT), it faces challenges both because of congestion and the amount of energy it consumes. Two new approaches aim to address those concerns. One is to use multiple channels at once. The second involves the new 802.11ah HaLow stand... » read more

IoT Wireless Battles Ahead

"The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." – Andrew S. Tanebaum The extended version of that quote adds "furthermore, if you do not like any of them, you can just wait for next year's model." That could not be truer when it comes to IoT and wireless connectivity. Every standards group is rushing to create new versions of existing standards that use less p... » read more

Could Liquid IP Lead To Better Chips?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the benefits that could come from making IP available as abstract blocks instead of RTL implementations with Mark Johnstone, technical director for Electronic Design Automation for [getentity id="22499" e_name="NXP"] Semiconductor; [getperson id="11489" p_name="Drew Wingard"], CTO at [getentity id="22605" e_name="Sonics"]; Bryan Bowyer, director of ... » read more

Using High-Level Synthesis To Design And Verify 802.11ah Baseband IP

The proposed IEEE 802.11ah wireless networking protocol is designed to meet the requirements of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, providing the bit rate, security, and low power required for these types of connected devices. Design requirements for 802.11ah access point and clients vary widely, even though all implement the same mathematical algorithm. In this paper, we will discuss how... » read more