The Week In Review: Design/IoT

M&A Mentor Graphics acquired the rest of Calypto. In 2011, Mentor sold Calypto their high-level synthesis solution – Catapult – in exchange for 51% of the company, but left it as a fully standalone entity. Calypto will now be merged into Mentor as a standalone business unit. Tools Synopsys released its HAPS-80 FPGA-based prototyping system. According to Synopsys, the system pro... » read more

EDA Forecast: More Clouds

By Ed Sperling Design engineers and EDA vendors used to scoff at the idea of cloud-based tools, but no one is scoffing anymore. A decade after the idea of renting tools online fell flat, largely due to security concerns by chipmakers, all three of the major EDA players and some smaller rivals are taking cloud-based solutions very seriously again. There are several reasons for this change... » read more

Cloud Seeding

Selling EDA through a software-as-a-service model is hardly a new concept. It’s also not a particularly successful one. Despite some initial hype and sporadic attempts to revive it, the idea has fallen flat due to concerns about version control, security and an almost universal aversion to engineers having to send large files back and forth to a server. The approach is getting a new look, ... » read more

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