Schottky Barrier Transistors Roadmap (Univ. of Surrey, NaMLab, PGI et al.)

A new technical paper titled "Roadmap for Schottky Barrier Transistors" was published by researchers at University of Surrey, NaMLab gGmbH, Forschungszentrum Jülic, Peter Grünberg Institute, et al. Abstract: "In this roadmap we consider the status and challenges of technologies that use the properties of a rectifying metal-semiconductor interface, known as a Schottky barrier, as an asset ... » read more

Analysis And Design Of Dual-Layer TFTs (Oregon State Univ., Applied Materials)

A new technical paper titled "Dual-Layer Thin-Film Transistor Analysis and Design" was published by researchers at Oregon State University and Applied Materials. Abstract "A set of analytical equations is formulated for the analysis and design of a dual-layer thin-film transistor (TFT). For a given TFT structure, in which each channel layer thickness is specified, drain current is calculate... » read more