Hardware Fuzzing (U. of Michigan, Google, Virginia Tech)

A technical paper titled "Fuzzing Hardware Like Software" was published by researchers at University of Michigan, Google and Virginia Tech. The paper was presented at the 2022 Usenix Security Symposium. Abstract: "Hardware flaws are permanent and potent: hardware cannot be patched once fabricated, and any flaws may undermine even formally verified software executing on top. Consequently, ve... » read more

Coverage-Directed Test Selection Method for Automatic Test Biasing During Simulation-Based Verification

New research paper titled "Supervised Learning for Coverage-Directed Test Selection in Simulation-Based Verification" from researchers at University of Bristol and Infineon Technologies. Abstract: "Constrained random test generation is one the most widely adopted methods for generating stimuli for simulation-based verification. Randomness leads to test diversity, but tests tend to repeate... » read more