2D Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistors (Penn State, U. of Minnesota)

A new technical paper titled "Multifunctional 2D FETs exploiting incipient ferroelectricity in freestanding SrTiO3 nanomembranes at sub-ambient temperatures" was published by researchers at Penn State University and University of Minnesota. Abstract "Incipient ferroelectricity bridges traditional dielectrics and true ferroelectrics, enabling advanced electronic and memory devices. Firstly... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Feb. 18

Cryogenic memory Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrated a new cryogenic memory cell circuit design based on coupled arrays of Josephson junctions. Such a memory could help enable exascale and quantum computing. The cells are designed to operate in super cold temperatures and were tested at just 4 Kelvin above absolute zero, about minus 452 degrees Fahrenheit. At these col... » read more