Ensuring Your Semiconductor Test Equipment Is Protected From Rising Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats pose risks to your business every day and can attack every aspect of your operation, and these threats are only increasing. According to IBM Security’s Cost of a Data Breach Report, in 2021, the average total cost of a data breach increased by nearly 10% year over year, from $3.86M to $4.24M – the largest single year cost increase in the last seven years. Sourc... » read more

Blog Review: June 26

Arm's Krish Nathella and Dam Sunwoo dig into research to make a practical implementation of a temporal data prefetcher that overcomes the huge on- and off-chip storage and traffic overheads usually associated with them. Cadence's Paul McLellan notes that while concerns about uncover bias in computer vision algorithms usually focus on people, a team at Facebook found that object recognition t... » read more

U.S. Senate Report On The Equifax Breach

Source: U.S. Senate, Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Here's the link to the U.S. Senate report on the Equifax breach » read more