Sensor Fusion Challenges In Automotive

The number of sensors in automobiles is growing rapidly alongside new safety features and increasing levels of autonomy. The challenge is integrating them in a way that makes sense, because these sensors are optimized for different types of data, sometimes with different resolution requirements even for the same type of data, and frequently with very different latency, power consumption, and re... » read more

DSP Techniques For High-Speed SerDes

Sensors everywhere, more connected devices, and the rollout of smart everything has created a flood of data. The question now is how to best handle all of that data, where to process it, and how to move it locally and to the outside network. Madhumita Sanyal, technical product manager at Synopsys, talks about the need for continuous performance improvements in SerDes, PCIe, NRZ, and PAM4, and w... » read more

Tradeoffs In DSP Design

More intelligence is now required in the front-, mid-, and back-haul for 5G/6G communication, requiring a mix of high performance, low power, and enough flexibility to accommodate constantly changing protocols and algorithms. One solution to these conflicting goals involves reconfigurable DSPs, in which the processing element is hardwired like an ASIC but still configurable for a variety of app... » read more

IC Security Issues Grow, Solutions Lag

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the growing chip security threat and what's being done to mitigate it, with Mike Borza, Synopsys scientist; John Hallman, product manager for trust and security at Siemens EDA; Pete Hardee, group director for product management at Cadence; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera; and Dave Kelf, CEO of Breker V... » read more

New Uses For AI In Chips

Artificial intelligence is being deployed across a number of new applications, from improving performance and reducing power in a wide range of end devices to spotting irregularities in data movement for security reasons. While most people are familiar with using machine learning and deep learning to distinguish between cats and dogs, emerging applications show how this capability can be use... » read more

Why Hardware-Dependent Software Is So Critical

Hardware and software are two sides of the same coin, but they often live in different worlds. In the past, hardware and software rarely were designed together, and many companies and products failed because the total solution was unable to deliver. The big question is whether the industry has learned anything since then. At the very least, there is widespread recognition that hardware-depen... » read more

Increasing Performance With Data Acceleration

Increasing demand for functions that require a relatively high level of acceleration per unit of data is providing a foothold for in-line accelerator cards, which could mean new opportunities for some vendors and a potential threat for others. For years, either CPUs, or CPUs with FPGA accelerators, met most market needs. But the rapid increase in the volume of data everywhere, coupled with t... » read more

Growth Spurred By Negatives

The success and health of the semiconductor industry is driven by the insatiable appetite for increasingly complex devices that impact every aspect of our lives. The number of design starts for the chips used in those devices drives the EDA industry. But at no point in history have there been as many market segments driving innovation as there are today. Moreover, there is no indication this... » read more

Always-On DSPs

There are tradeoffs between powering circuits down to save power and waking them up to respond to voice and visual commands. Prakash Madhvapathy, director of product marketing and product management at Cadence, talks about the best ways to deploy digital signal processors, why multiple DSPs are often better than just one, and what penalties there are for various approaches. » read more

Changes In Sensors And DSPs

Pulin Desai, group director for product marketing, management and business development at Cadence, talks about why processing is moving closer to the end point, how to save energy through reduced area and sensor fusion, and the impact of specialization, 3D capture and always-on circuits. » read more

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