Accelerate Test Regressions with Synopsys VIP Using Dynamic Test Loading in VCS

Functional verification ensures that a design meets its specification requirements. The initial 80% of the verification process significantly impacts the time needed to complete the final 20%, which involves extensive test scenarios and regression testing, often consuming substantial engineering resources. Typically, the desired scenario emerges late in the test case, often in the last minutes ... » read more

What Makes A Chip Tamper-Proof?

The cyber world is the next major battlefield, and attackers are busily looking for ways to disrupt critical infrastructure. There is widespread proof this is happening. “Twenty-six percent of the U.S. power grid was found to be hosting Trojans," said Haydn Povey, IAR Systems' general manager of embedded security solutions. "In a cyber-warfare situation, that's the first thing that would b... » read more