2024 Open Source Risk In M&A By The Numbers

Here’s what we know: Most of today’s codebases contain open source components. Vulnerabilities and licensing issues in codebases are as pervasive as open source itself. Unpatched software vulnerabilities are one of the biggest cyberthreats organizations face. Failure to comply with open source licenses can put businesses at significant risk of litigation and threat to IP. T... » read more

When It Makes Sense To Perform An Open Source Audit

Today's software is not created so much as assembled. The parts that serve as ingredients come from a variety of sources, but mostly from the millions of open source components freely available on the internet. This has enabled a digital transformation in several industries, helping market leaders speed their time to market, lower costs, and improve innovation. But what are the licensing and... » read more

Software Due Diligence: A Buyer’s Checklist And Guidelines

The potential risk and exposure posed by M&A transactions demand thorough and robust due diligence practices. When an acquisition involves software, it's critical to ensure that associated risks are identified and fully understood. Knowing what questions to ask when performing due diligence is key to avoiding potential risks and legal complications. This is especially true for the acquisiti... » read more