Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Chipmakers and OEMs Fujitsu Semiconductor and United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) announced that UMC will acquire all of the shares of Mie Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited (MIFS), a 300mm wafer foundry joint venture between both companies. In addition to the 15.9% of MIFS shares currently owned by UMC, Fujitsu Semiconductor will transfer the remaining 84.1% of its shares in MIFS to UMC, making MI... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Cybersecurity Cybersecurity concerns continued to generate news this week. Symantec reported a corporate espionage hacking campaign against manufacturers of medical supplies, dubbing the efforts “Orangeworm.” The hackers have attacked 24 or more targets this year, and almost 100 since 2015, according to the security software and services firm. Meanwhile, the House Energy and Commerce Co... » read more