Supporting LP In New Process Nodes

Manufacturing process nodes and EDA tools are advancing all the time, but not always utilized at the same pace. And from a tools perspective, there are challenges to supporting low power in new process nodes while maintaining and improving the existing process nodes. One way design teams address this is by leveraging the most advanced software on the less-than-bleeding edge designs. To th... » read more

Improving Design Reliability By Avoiding Electrical Overstress

Electrical overstress (EOS) is one of the leading causes of IC failures across all semiconductor manufacturers, and is responsible for the vast majority of device failures and product returns. The use of multiple voltages increases the risk of EOS, so IC designers need to increase their diligence to ensure that thin-oxide digital transistors do not have direct or indirect paths to high-voltage ... » read more

Improving Design Reliability By Avoiding Electrical Overstress

Electrical overstress (EOS) is one of the leading causes of IC failures across all semiconductor manufacturers, and is responsible for the vast majority of device failures and product returns. The use of multiple voltages increases the risk of EOS, so IC designers need to increase their diligence to ensure that thin-oxide digital transistors do not have direct or indirect paths to high-voltage ... » read more

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