The Foundations Of Computational Electromagnetics

Maxwell’s Equations can be expressed in multiple variants – there are integral and differential versions in both frequency and time domains, along with quasi-static and full-wave forms. Their elegance is evident upon sight yet for only the simplest systems are there known solutions. Thus, without assumptions to simplify the math and/or system under study, it is frequently impossible to full... » read more

Radar Wave Propagation Through Materials

This white paper focuses on electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation through materials. For radar systems, this is of interest when radar must pass through walls, or when designing radomes (cover casings for the radar system). In the process of designing a radome, you should always perform full EM simulation. However, the content of this white paper will help you to first estimate whether a radome... » read more

Faster Than Moore’s Law: Exponential Innovation In Electromagnetic Simulation

Moore’s Law is the most iconic statement of exponential technology advancement, doubling transistor count and hence functional performance every 24 months. Many pundits [1-3] have observed that while technology advancement is exponential, human expectations are linear. We often fail to anticipate when a technology may arrive in short order. Electromagnetic simulation has delivered exponential... » read more

PCB Design Rules For Electromagnetic Compatibility

When it comes to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and printed circuit boards (PCBs), rules are not meant to be broken. Following some simple guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility when designing PCBs will save time and costs. Simulation software can help. All high-speed signals on a PCB should be referenced to a solid plane. A current flowing in any trace on a PCB must complete the e... » read more

Minimizing The Risk Of Electromagnetic Crosstalk Failures

Leading semiconductor markets, such automotive, machine learning, large scale computing and networking, are driving the need for high density chips that integrate high performance digital cores with sensitive analog/RF IP, while operating at the lowest power and fastest bandwidth possible. These trends are increasing the sensitivity to electromagnetic (EM) coupling, and requiring designers to w... » read more

Symptoms Of SoC Electromagnetic (EM) Crosstalk

By Anand Raman and Magdy Abadir Have you ever had your silicon demonstrate unexpected behavior? Have you ever found unexplainable design failure or performance degradation? A number of issues could be the culprit - from overloaded signal nets, a noisy power grid, or increasing temperature - but one problem often overlooked is electromagnetic (EM) crosstalk. Electromagnetic (EM) crosstal... » read more

Micro-Power Energy Harvesting

Since the beginning of the human race’s self-awareness, people have strived to harness the planet’s free energy sources; wind, solar, thermal and hydro. On a macro scale, man’s dreams have come to fruition. The next frontier is capturing energy on a micro scale. On the macro front, there are massive corridors of energy powered by wind and solar developments, which generate megawatts of... » read more

The Next Big Threat: Power And Performance

In the shiny world of consumer electronics and powerful computers, taking a grinder to the outside of a package may sound more like safecracking than sophisticated electronic code hacking. The reality is there is more in common than most semiconductor companies would like to admit, and the starting point often is just as crude. To no small extent, systems on chip have become miniature safes.... » read more