10X Faster Electromagnetic 3D Simulation

Virtual prototypes are essential to optimize the signal integrity performance of their high-performance electronics products. Today, engineering teams are pushing to get fast electromagnetic (EM) simulations of printed circuit boards (PCB) and 3D chip packages in just a few hours with the highest level of accuracy. The state of the art in EM simulation has come a long way: Back in 2000 it wa... » read more

Simulating The Hyperloop

When SpaceX held the first Hyperloop Design Weekend Competition in Texas in January 2016, a team of five students from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in Spain, calling themselves Hyperloop UPV, won awards for Best Overall Concept Design and Best Propulsion System. The overall concept was to use magnetic levitation to give their Hyperloop vehicle a frictionless ride through t... » read more

ANSYS HFSS and SGI UV 2000 Takes Electromagnetic Simulation To New Heights

This white paper discusses how the latest version of ANSYS HFSS (Release 16) takes full advantage of the SGI UV2000 advanced symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system to achieve these objectives. Utilizing SGI’s sixth generation technology, engineers and scientists can leverage hundreds of processing cores and terabytes of coherent shared memory to solve very large EM field simulations, as well ... » read more

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